mother caring for sick baby toddler infant with a cold

Our favorite tips for sick days with littles

Having a sick little one is never fun. We all know to stock up on tissues and medicine, but here are some other ideas that might help both of you to feel a little better:

1️⃣ Especially with babies, it always seems like there is snot everywhere and they constantly need their nose wiped. Putting Aquaphor on their nose and cheeks frequently (like every time you change their diaper) keeps that precious baby skin from getting raw and chapped.

2️⃣ Humidifiers are so helpful for relieving cold symptoms, but can be such a pain to keep clean! Using only distilled water keeps them clean and mold-free so you have one less thing to worry about cleaning.

3️⃣ Nasal aspirators (like the snotsucker or Nozebot) are amazing but in my experience, usually still require wrangling squirming arms and legs. Spraying a few saline drops first makes it so much easier to clear a stuffy nose, and often helps them to just sneeze it out all on their own!

4️⃣ Midday baths have been a gamechanger for us. There’s something about being clean and refreshed after the bath that always makes my sick kids perk up. Plus, you can get them to bed earlier because they don’t need a bath at night!

5️⃣ Sickness seems to make diaper rashes more likely, so applying diaper cream preventatively when they’re under the weather keeps from adding to their symptoms!

Here’s to staying healthy! And if not, hopefully you can at least get some extra snuggles.


*This is not medical advice. Please ask your doctor if you have questions.

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