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what every parent needs to make life easier

Our story

When our first son was born in 2021, we understood how incredible it is to be parents, in a way we never could before - the feeling of loving someone so much you want to keep them little in your arms forever but simultaneously wanting to show them the world; to keep them safe and protected, but also to raise them to be strong and independent. The overwhelming feeling of caring about someone so much it hurts. The feeling of having your heart explode when that little face lets out its first smile or giggle or "mama" or "dada." The feeling of wanting to give them the best, happiest life possible. The magical moments just keep coming, and it's so fun to watch.

But at the same time, we also understood how challenging it is to be parents - being sent home from the hospital with a newborn you feel like you have no idea how to take care of, the millions of differing opinions and advice from everyone from friends to strangers, the lack of sleep, the constant changes just when you start to feel like you have it all figured out, and of course the day-to-day challenges of feeding, pumping, bathing, and lugging around loads of baby stuff whenever you go out.

So when we found out that we were fortunate to be expecting our second son in 2023, we had some thoughts about what would make things a little easier this time around. And with that, Luxuroo was born. It started off as ideas for products we knew would make life easier (and we have lots of ideas!), and as it evolved, it turned into not just products, but also a place to build confidence for new moms and dads through sharing tips and tricks we've learned along the way, fun activities to make the tough days more enjoyable and to create precious memories with our kids, and much needed reminders that if you're trying your best, you're doing this whole parenting thing exactly right.

They say it takes a village - come be a part of ours!

luxuroo [luhg-zhuh-roo]

think of it like luxury for your little 'roo